Join a worldwide movement to set a Guinness Book of World Records™ for most cloth diapers changed simultaneously!

Well after eight months of planning, countless hours and a wonderful (and understanding) group of moms, dads and babies, we are proud to announce that we were apart of making history! While the final numbers have not been released from headquarters, the official total in Annapolis, Maryland was 31 babies.

We are very grateful for each and every mom, dad, baby, supporter and volunteer that helped make this day so successful. Without you this could have never been possible. I have made a list of supporters and would love it if you would "like" their pages and let them know we sent you and thank them for their support as well.

One supporter who we would like to thank personally was, Jennie owner of Lil Blu Dragonfly Photography. She made sure that each one of our participants was captured that day...Thank you so much Jennie! I am currently loading the pictures onto our page for you to view. Prints may be ordered to document your child's part of making history directly through Lil Blu Dragonfly, if you are interested in placing an order.,,,Photos may be viewed by clicking here. It may take me a few hours to get all of the pictures loaded, it's not fully cooperating. 

Again, thank you for your time and participation. If interested, subscribe to Macaroni Kid Annapolis to keep up to date with all of the local events and happenings in our area. Also, be sure to support and visit Greenberries, Columbia's upscale consignment boutique!